Arash Dara
1 min readJun 10, 2021

TIME does not stop for anyone. Here are some interesting ways I’ve heard of to better spend it:

T reasure what really matters. As Leo Christopher said, “There’s only one thing more precious than our time and that’s who we spend it on.” Devote quality time with family, friends or just yourself and make sure you are 100% in that moment, however long.

I gnore the noise and stay focused on the positive. Intentionally be grateful for everything that comes your way, big, small, good or bad and use it as a learning opportunity.

M easure your progress. Know the difference between working hard and working smart. Evaluate how far you are going vs. your plan and course correct accordingly. It can all start with something as simple as segmenting your to-do list based on importance and urgency.

E nvision your end goal and remind yourself of it continually. We often get so tangled up in just being busy we forget where we are going. Have your goals articulated and place it somewhere you’ll see. Consistency is the key.

Arash Dara

The official handle for the current Group CEO of Lootah Holding Pvt Ltd. Dubai. | “Hold the vision, trust the process.”